Business and commercial buildings
Vodoprivreda Kupljenovo
For the building of Vodoprivreda (company for maintenance of hydroelectric facilities) in Kupljenovo we have developed and installed a superior aluminum [...]
Business and commercial buildings
Commercial building Lavčević
Aluminium profiles on semistructural glazing facade of commercial building Lavčevićare almost invisible that is why glass surfaces are more expressed. Semistructural profiles [...]
Business and commercial buildings
TEP building in Sveti Križ Začretje
TEP, electrical products factory, specialized in the manufacture of lighting fixtures, installation materials and cable accessories. Therefore, there was a [...]
Business and commercial buildings
Sales and service center MAN in Varaždin
Sales and service center MAN in Varaždin, which was officially opened 2009, was made with continuous facade on two sides and with [...]
Business and commercial buildings
Mala kavana – Café in Zagreb
"Mala kavana" in Zagreb, a favorite destination of many locals and tourists, is located on the Ban Jelačić Square. For [...]
Business and commercial buildings
The most important references
Allianz Insurance
Semistructural glazing facade of the Allianz insurance in Zagreb is responsible for the beautiful and modern look of this building. As [...]
Business and commercial buildings
The most important references
City Market in Kutina
On the building of city market in Kutina, we set very beautiful and functional continuous facade and aluminum joinery, making this building a [...]
Business and commercial buildings
The most important references
Roses Fashion Outlet
Roses Fashion Outlet, the first Croatian outlet center that is opened at the end of 2008 in Sveti Križ, Začretje, [...]